

What's New in FLOW-3D HYDRO 2023R2

New results file format

We introduced an all-new results file format based on the EXODUS II format, enabling faster postprocessing in FLOW-3D HYDRO and FLOW-3D POST 2023R2. This new file format significantly reduces the time spent on postprocessing tasks for large, complex simulations (up to 5x on average!) while improving connectivity with other visualization tools.

Users now have the choice to write Selected data in either flsgrf, EXODUS II, or both flsgrf and EXODUS II file formats. The new EXODUS II file format utilizes finite element meshes for each object, which allows users to also open FLOW-3D HYDRO results with other compatible postprocessors and FEA codes. With the new workflow, users can visualize large, complex cases quickly and extract auxiliary information using arbitrary slicing, volume renders, and statistics.

Turbulence model improvements

FLOW-3D HYDRO 2023R2 brings a major improvement to the dynamic mixing length calculation for two-equation (RANS) turbulence models. In certain limiting cases such as near-laminar flow regimes, the code-computed limiter could in previous versions sometimes be overpredicted, forcing the user to manually input a specific mixing length. 

The new dynamic mixing length calculation better accounts for the turbulent length and time scales in these situations, and users can now apply the dynamic model to a wider range of flows instead of setting a fixed (physics-based) mixing length.
