AxisVM 10 Finite install

AxisVM 10 Finite Element Software (hardware dependent, unlimited version)iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
1) Download evaluation version of AxisVM 10 (functional for 30 days) from Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
2) Install the program. At the end of the setup process fill in the Registration Form and send it by email. The license file will be sent attached to the reply.iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
3) Copy the license file (key.lic) to the folder AxisVM was installed iniRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
2) Copy the supplied axisvm10crack.exe file to the AxisVM directory.iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
3) Run axisvm10crack.exe. iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
4) The axisvm10crack.exe will create in the AxisVM directory a patch.exe file. Run it!iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
 iRqEngineering Software Tutorial,training,download,manual
