Bentley WaterCAD XM 08.09.400.34


WaterCAD is a robust and comprehensive water distribution modeling program that can be customized with additional modeling platforms and modules as your modeling requirements grow. WaterCAD includes, out-of-the-box, two interoperable platforms, letting you choose the environment that best fits your skills and modeling requirements. 1. Windows stand-alone: Enjoy unparalleled ease-of-use and versatility, multiple background support, advanced thematic mapping, powerful element symbology features, and conversion utilities from CAD, GIS, and databases. 2. Run in MicroStation: Support for MicroStation is included at no additional cost; seamlessly use every WaterCAD feature within MicroStation's powerful engineering design and geospatial environment. AutoCAD users: WaterCAD's award-winning AutoCAD interface is available as an add-on feature so you can directly leverage AutoCAD's drafting tools with your WaterCAD models. ArcGIS users: Upgrade your WaterCAD license to WaterGEMS to unlock the impressive ArcGIS integration features. WaterGEMS also includes a stand-alone environment, runs in MicroStation and AutoCAD, and includes all WaterCAD add-on modules.
